“The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.”
Daniel 11:32 NASB
What an incredible weekend we had at this year’s Empowerment Summit! If you missed it, go now to check out some of the highlights we’ve posted to our Facebook page!
I’m looking forward to hearing from those who were called out and anointed, prayed for and prophesied over, ordained and commissioned, and filled to overflowing!
I am anticipating incredible reports of the lives, ministries, companies, and communities changed by the change-makers who ended this year strong with a supernatural RESET—who are now prepared to take next year by force with renewed faith, vision, and power!
The annual End Your Year Strong Empowerment Summit is not a conference;
it is a gathering of change makers.
Those called and committed to becoming Kingdom-minded catalysts of change—the “called out ones” referred to as “the Church” in the Bible (from the Greek word ekklesia)—are who we strive to empower.
With a global vision for impacting every locality with the power of Christ, we partner together with you to create atmospheres for explosive worship, teaching, impartation, and fellowship that transform lives.
Global vision. Local impact.
This is what partnership is all about. We are tremendously excited to be expanding our programs to new locations throughout the world.
Imagine the possibilities for empowering the creative genius and inspiring greatness in the hearts and souls of those most in need of hope and healing.
Communities and countries are broken and fractured because the people within them are broken and fractured.
We all, corporately and individually, draw into our exterior lives what is happening within our interior lives…within the life of our corporate and individual souls.
Our message of soul healing hasn’t changed over the years, but has instead been confirmed in the world around us. We have seen more divisiveness, deception, discouragement, and despair than at any other time in recent decades.
And now, as we prepare in the next few weeks to embark on a new year, we are positioning ourselves to bring this vital Kingdom message to new regions—from China to India to Russia and beyond.
“Healing the universe is an inside job.”
—Fritjof Capra
We must begin within the life of our souls if we are to change the world.
Our vision for global impact starts with imparting hope and healing to every person we touch. It is another one of our ten core values.
We believe that global change starts in small communities. We will impact world systems and global markets by empowering individuals within local communities. We reach the world one person at a time.
With that end in mind, we are looking forward to hosting ministry schools, empowerment events, and leadership forums in new localities around the world.
Where we have already conducted other types of outreaches, we will continue to equip and train individuals within those communities to discover purpose, maximize potential, and fulfill destiny.
We are expanding our capacity to do greater things for God by pressing into the deeper things He has made available to us.
What are the greater things you have planned in the year ahead?
I encourage you to be deliberate with your vision. Be bold. Think beyond what you understand is possible and dare to dream with the whole world in mind.
And then begin with the people you encounter every day, right where you are. Begin with every person you meet.
This is what the prophet Isaiah was speaking about when he described God’s Chosen Fast:
“If you stop making trouble for others,
if you stop using cruel words and pointing your finger at others,
if you feed those who are hungry
and take care of the needs of those who are troubled,
then your light will shine in the darkness,
and you will be bright like sunshine at noon…
Your people will rebuild the old cities that are now in ruins;
you will rebuild their foundations.
You will be known for repairing the broken places
and for rebuilding the roads and houses.”
Isaiah 58:9-10,12 NCV
Those are great exploits: “Rebuilding cities; repairing broken places.”
Another translation states that, “Some of you will rebuild the deserted ruins of your cities…you will be known as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes” (NLT).
Plan now to carry out great Kingdom exploits in the year ahead! In fact, plan now to attend KSM in July! That is exactly what we will be talking about for an entire week.
Together we can impact the world for Christ…
…until “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord” (Revelation 11:15 KJV).
Together we will carry out great exploits in 2017!
“With God all thingsare possible.”
Matthew 19:26 NIV