Are You Honest With Yourself?

November 24, 2015

Many times we blame the devil for our problems when in fact they are due to our own lack of diligence, discipline, courage, conviction, or character. The Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, is able to help us discern where we actually stand with God in such situations—but we have to be willing to hear the truth about our own selves.

Although God is always on our side, there are times when genuine repentance needs to take place before He can effectively address what is happening in our lives. God is not looking to bail people out who won’t grow up and take responsibility, but He is quick to stand with those who desire to grow up enough that they can reach out and help others. (The Art of War, p. 86-87.)

Be honest with yourself. Take responsibility for the health of your soul. Paul wrote to the Romans that by renewing your mind—or regenerating your thought life—you will transform your entire life!

Pay attention to what goes on in your mind, be willing to hear the truth about the toxins contaminating your inner world, be quick to repent and reshape how you think to conform to God’s Word, and allow God to bring out His best concerning you.

Romans 12:1 NCV: Do not be shaped by this world; instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.

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