Craving the Deep Things of God

October 9, 2017

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”
Matthew 5:6

Have you ever felt as if there must be something more?

One thing I learned young in my faith is that food is not the proof of appetite, but appetite is the proof of food.

Thirst is the proof that there is water to satiate it!

 If you long for more, REGISTER NOW for  the End Your Year Strong Empowerment Summit!

Stir up your appetite for more influence, more success, more provision, more capacity, more wisdom, more glory—more heaven on earth.

I’ve also learned that just because there is nutritious food, it doesn’t mean people will have an appetite for it.

Sometimes you have to acquire an appetite—or a taste—for something better.

Are you hungry for a more excellent way?

Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness?

I encourage you today to check your appetites.

If you have a certain appetite but don’t see the thing you hunger for, it is there somewhere.

By virtue of the fact you feel like there is something more, there is something more!

These are the promptings you must be especially mindful of.


Because these longings are not generated by your spirit, but by the Spirit of God when He tries to tell you it’s time to go to the next level.

“The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.”
Romans 8:16-17

This is very important because the Holy Spirit is revealing to you who you are.

You are sons and daughters of the King of kings. You deserve to be treated with respect and honor.

You deserve to live in the best places and have the best things. This is why you have the tastes that you have—and yes the appetites.

But you’ve learned to compromise your tastes.

You’ve been told you can’t have certain things…that you don’t deserve these things or they’re too expensive.

You’ve compromised the desires God has placed in you.

However, you have extravagant taste for a reason. It’s because it’s part of your inheritance.

What you crave is your inheritance. 

You have extravagant tastes that are going to be restored so that your inheritance can be revealed to you.

I decree and declare that you are going to work in the best positions in your industry…

I decree and declare that your gifts are going to be magnified and glorified—you’re going to be aglow with God’s glory and His reputation is going to be aglow in you!

Expand your capacity to see what’s possible for you.

Get a vision for who you are, what you’re capable of, and all that you’ve inherited in Christ.

“Be strengthened with all his glorious power…He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light.”
Colossians 1:11-12 NLT

You have an inheritance based on the level of your revelation.

This is why it’s so important to put yourself in places where you can receive prophetic downloads and the impartations that come with being in anointed atmospheres—environments that expand and strengthen your capacity to pull on heaven.

What are you demanding based on your appetite? Your appetite primes the pump so you can make the withdrawals you need to create the increase you long for—and that God longs for you. (See Psalm 115:14.)

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us.”
Deuteronomy 29:29

Put yourself in places where things are being revealed!

This is a season not just for greater information, but for deeper revelation. God wants to reveal principles hidden in His Word. He wants to reveal His plan to you and then reveal you to you as well.

We have yet so much potential sitting on the inside of us hidden in the obscurity of ignorance—and so I say, “Let there be light!”

Ignorance is the absence of light.

Whenever you  have light you have insight and wisdom.

God is able to reveal things that are there, but you must be able to see it or perceive it.

I decree and declare that the eyes of your understanding are being enlightened right now…

I decree and declare that God is going to enlarge your territory and give you capacity to receive revelation!

“Deep calls to deep.”
Psalm 42:7 NIV

In this season, take note of what you’re hungering for.

Are you longing for the deeper things of God? Do you have an appetite for greater revelation and influence on behalf of the Kingdom?

Are you thirsty for more righteousness—for more moves of the Spirit—for more revival?

Then stir up your appetite!

“Awake, O sleeper…
    and Christ will give you light.”
Ephesians 5:14 NLT

Learn to crave the things that will strengthen you.

Crave the things that will equip you to create the changes you long to see in your life and in the world around you. 

Crave light, wisdom, and revelation. 

Stir up your hunger to join me November 10-12 so you can position yourself to receive the revelation that will slake your thirst and empower you to walk in the greater things you’ve longed for.

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