Do You Have 20/20 Vision Looking Toward 2017?

October 17, 2016

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” 
Romans 12:2

What do you see for yourself when you look into the year ahead?

What images pop up in your mind when you think about where you’ll be three months from now—or three months into the New Year?

You’ve often heard me say:

“Your feet can never take you where your mind has never been.”

That’s why having a clear and compelling vision is so important to your success—and why I’ve made my teaching entitled “Gaining a Vision” available for free in our online store. (If you haven’t already, go check it out now!)

So, before you set your goals, make your plans, schedule your time, or budget your money, you must have a vision!

Where do you envision yourself in December?

Imagine spending two power-packed days with me and other visionaries at the End Your Year Strong Empowerment Summit!

Envision yourself there now tapping into the anointing and receiving divine downloads from heaven!

Put yourself where you see yourself and REGISTER NOW!

You must be able to see with your mind’s eye exactly where it is you want to be—exactly who and how you want to be.

When your vision is clear, you are able to align your actions, attitudes, and the assets you need to fulfill any desired outcome.

“The missing key in the quest toward sustainable success is clarity.”
Dr. Russ Irwin

“If you’re not clear on what you want,” adds Dr. Irwin, “you’ll never be able to stand up and claim it.”

Interestingly, it has been proven that the more clear you are about a desired outcome, the more your brain begins to align itself with that goal. This is a neurological phenomena call “expectancy theory.”

In other words, the more clarity you have concerning something, the greater the probability of it becoming a reality.

Having a clear and compelling vision animates your faith.

If faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen (see Heb. 11:1), then what are those unseen things you’re hoping for?

As Helen Keller so famously said, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”

Now, more than ever, we need people who can envision a better world—who can harness their faith through prayer, and an unwavering belief in the power and grace of God.

“For all things are for your sakes, that grace, having spread through the many, may cause thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God.”
2 Corinthians 4:15

Now, in this significant prophetic year—the Jewish year 5777 entering into 2017 AD—is the time when God’s people must come together to declare His righteousness, faithfulness, steadfast love, and goodness.

God has a purpose for you and I in this hour; He has a vision He is wanting to share with each of us individually and together as His Body in the earth.

But before we can fulfill it, we must first be able to see it in our mind’s eye.

Before we can decree and declare it, we must first be able to imagine it!

Before we can step out in pursuit of that great thing He has in store for each of us to accomplish, we must be able to take hold of it in our mind.

Your imagination is a powerful force. Without the divine power of imagination, there would be no invention or innovation, or the deeply felt inspiration of all the beautiful things made manifest by artists, actors, authors, architects, and so on.

Your ability to imagine in your mind what does not yet exist is what makes you most divine.

Being able to hold a mental image of a non-existent potentiality is what makes us most like the Great Imagineer Himself. 

We were born to create a new thing out of what was no thing. To call forth and speak into and say to any mountain, “Be removed and cast into the sea” (see Mark 11:23)—but with the grand caveat of belief! 

“Whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”
Mark 11:23

And that is why you must renew your mind. 

If you can’t conceive it, you won’t believe it, and therefore won’t achieve it. Renewing your mind to your own potential—and then giving you the tools to leverage that potential—is the primary aim of the End Your Year Strong event. 

If joining me in Atlanta Dec. 2-3 strikes you as “inconceivable,” that could be an indication your mind is in need of renewing!

Get a jumpstart on next year by getting clear on what is possible for you!

If you’re having trouble envisioning how things could be for you in 2017, register now—right here right now—to attend the Empowerment Event of the year! Your life will never be the same because your vision will never be more clear. 

I look forward to seeing your there!

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